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Fun and Games

 FIVE PAGES of games from a great game site:  there are games to please the most disscriminating game player      http://games.aarp.org/categories/all.aspx      

What is your "REAL" age?    

Dr, Oz's Real Age Test    http://www.realage.com/default.aspx

Can you put together the map of the USA?        http://jimspages.com/States.htm

Boogie Woogie by the "king" Tommy Johnson    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHmmid1pLi8

For those who have nothing better to do        http://majman.net/fly_loader.html

Have you ever seen a clock like this one?       http://www.poodwaddle.com/worldclock.swf

Try this one, the eyballing game       http://woodgears.ca/eyeball/

Guess the license plate                      http://mentalfloss.com/quiz/quiz.php?q=209

Fly over the mountains (just place your cursor and fly)      http://electricoyster.com/esp3d/

You have eight (8) seconds . . this is fun       http://www.flashbynight.com/test/

Tibetan Personality Test       http://memoriter.net/flash/test.html

A Think Test       http://www.oldjoeblack.0nyx.com/thinktst.htm

Guess Your Number    http://www.quizyourprofile.com/guessyournumber.swf

For the REAL Game Player     http://www.dedge.com/online-game-development.php

Birth Verse      http://www.birthverse.com/

Own your own horse farm      http://www.howrse.com/

Mom-Jongg       http://games.aarp.org/games/mahjongg-mom-jongg.aspx

Birthdate Calculator      http://www.paulsadowski.com/birthday.asp

Grab the red sqare, stay away from the blue "things" and the walls  http://www.iol.ie/~dluby/escape.htm

Imagine a moving picture puzzle with the picture moving   http://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/people/hara/fly.swf

Remember When?   

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